Certified consultant for healthy nutrition and weight loss

Welcome My Dears!

If you are tired of "wonder diets" that bring only short- term effects, after which the weight comes back with additional fat mass, and if you, like me, enjoy eating tasty food without gaining additional weight, then my program is exactly what you need!

My name is Olga, and I am 38 years old. I am a consultant for healthy nutrition, marketing and pinterest specialist. Healthy, balanced nutrition (taking into account other important factors) is the key to success for achieving your ideal weight and obtaining more energy for your whole body! 

My program is based on scientific approach, professional and life experience.

I developed a nutrition plan which includes important information on healthy nutrition, recipes for tasty dishes which can be cooked quickly and recommendations about the right nutrition for weight loss and health improvement.

You will learn what factors influence the feeling of hunger and why you have failed to reduce weight so far, even though you followed some rules of healthy nutrition.

Most important of all: you will always feel full (thanks to correctly chosen and combined products) while losing weight at the same time!






My philosophy

I have always loved delicious meals. Unfortunately, my poor choice of diet led me to become overweight in the past. My weight problems led me to research ways of enjoying tasty meals without accumulating excess body weight. I love delicious meals, but I also value healthy living.

During my research, I did an in-depth study of various aspects of nutrition. I came to the conclusion that there is no single magic diet for weight loss. The foundation of shedding weight is to have the right mental attitude and to have a balanced nutrition. However, your nutrition plan must include a few key factors - which I am going to share with you in this website.  

I'll love to share with you a few things I have learned and practiced during my time as a nutrition consultant. These keynotes are perfect combinations of having the right mental attitude towards dieting and staying committed to a nutrition program that works for you. Let's quickly take a look at a few points;

  • Your mental attitude and beliefs about food play a significant role in your journey of weight reduction.
  • Sometimes, you need to take your eyes and ears off the negativity from social media, where the posts, videos, comments, and headlines are telling you what you can and cannot do. Also, try shifting your gaze away from those non-nutritional diets that do not work at the end of the day.
  • Try not to put yourself under so much pressure. You are trying to figure out what meal plan works for you, and not staying away from meals in general. In order to lose weight and become healthier, try not to reinvent the wheel. Learn how to ride it instead.
  • Simply put, "your past is not equal to the future." When you bring yourself to understand this basic life approach, you are now one step closer to achieving what you want. That means, if you struggled with your weight in the past, that doesn't mean that you will be unable to achieve your goals in the future.
  • What people think or say doesn't matter as much as what you tell yourself. What comments do you give yourself when you buy that new dress? Or about to enter the pool with your new bikini suit? The truth is that you only look as great as you can see yourself look.

A right mental attitude is crucial in your quest to shed excess weight.

The media had fed the public with false information concerning healthy diets for too long, and the public has swallowed the lies hook, line, and sinker. You need to forget about the bogus diet rules that have failed to yield positive results.

You should realize that you cannot continue to embrace the past and achieve the results you want in the future.

You do not have to reinvent the wheel to live a healthy life and shed excess weight. Learn how to ride the wheel, and your journey towards weight loss and good health will be easy.

My weight loss and healthy living philosophy straightforward. All you need is to eat diets made from natural food and to combine the recipes correctly.

It sounds too simple, Isn't it? But that is all you need to do to slim down and develop your dream body shape.  You will soon stop worrying about your looks when you wear a new dress or put on a bikini. You will look great and feel healthy, like never before.

Do you know that our health and happiness depend heavily on what we eat?  Our diet directly influences vital body functions that control emotional and physical wellbeing. Eat foods made from natural recipes, and you will experience improvements in your mental and physical wellbeing.

Nothing is better than being happy and living healthy.  You deserve good health and happiness, it is a natural gift every one of us received right from birth.

The healthy balanced nutrition is the key to success in achieving an ideal figure!

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