Beef with Egg-Plant

20 min
Kcal: 630.4


  • 1

    Sprinkle the beef with salt and pepper. Fry it in a preheated pan with 1 teaspoon of rapeseed oil for 10 minutes each side.

  • 2

    Slice egg-plant lengthwise and fry it with a pinch of salt for 2 minutes each side.

  • 3

    Combine mashed avocado with diced onions and tomatoes. Top egg-plant with the mixture.

  • 4

    Place fried beef on the top and garnish with roasted pine nuts.

Raiting: 0


  • eggplant (medium) - 1/2 piece
  • tomato (medium) - 1 piece
  • beef steak - 100 g
  • avocado (medium) - 1/2 piece
  • onion (small) - 1 piece
  • rapeseed oil - 1 tablespoon
  • pine nuts - 10 g
  • salt - to taste
  • pepper - to taste


  • Protein 31.8 gr
  • Total Fat 45 gr
  • Carbohydrates 17.4 gr
  • Sugars 8.9 gr
  • Cellulose 33.9 gr
  • Calories 630 kCal

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